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Category Archive: Eden Project

  1. Disco Shed Wedding DJ at Eden Project reception

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    We were so excited when Chris & Julia asked us to DJ at their wedding – then told us it was taking place at the incredible Eden Project in Cornwall. It’s a place I’d always wanted to visit but had never had the opportunity. Julia’s work takes her between Cornwall and London, where the couple live, so we arranged to meet at one of our Disco Shed Sunday sessions at the Big Chill Bar and after DJing I joined them for a pint to get planning! They had heard of us through a friend and initially liked the idea of our indoor shed, but after running the full range of options they decided to break the budget and upgrage to the full shed. After all, every garden (even one like the Eden Project!) needs a shed! Disco Shed set up but closed for business Chris and Julia had kindly...

    Posted in Cornwall,Disco Shed,Eden Project,Wedding Disco,Wedding DJ. Tagged with , , , , .