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Tag Archive: West Sussex

  1. Disco Wed wedding DJs at Upwaltham Barns in West Sussex


    I’d been looking forward to being Barry and Michelle’s wedding DJ at Upwaltham Barns for ages, as I’d played for them before at their friends’ wedding about 6 months before and had a brilliant time! The nature of being a wedding DJ is that you don’t expect much repeat business, most people don’t expect to be getting married again any time soon afterwards after all! But there are a few families and groups of friends who we’re delighted to play for regularly, and this gang are definitely one of them! I met Barry and Michelle again for a drink a couple of months before the wedding to talk about music and their plans for the day. They’re a super cool couple and we had loads of fun getting planning – there was much debate about how many slo-jams and garage classics should be played, an argument eventually won by...

    Posted in Disco Wed DJ,Upwaltham Barns,Wedding Disco,Wedding DJ,West Sussex. Tagged with , , , , .