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Jessica & Matt

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Hi Paddy and Greg,

Apologies for the Sunday email but we just wanted to feed back as soon as possible how awesome last night was, and how Disco Shed was the thing that really made it for us.

I personally had already enjoyed the process of booking Disco Shed, and chatting with Greg about music before we even got to the event itself. Then yesterday Greg arrived early, and immediately put me at ease (it was a surprise party so was feeling a bit nervous) he was so easy and chatty and genuinely excited for the night, he felt like another friend at the party, rather than someone simply providing entertainment.

The party itself was lovely, Greg provided exactly what we’d asked for and more, (inc a last minute Basement Jaxx track for Matt’s Mum..!) and pitched the levels perfectly for the venue. The birthday boy was very happy, and all of our friends and family (some of them already disco shed fans) have raved about the music last night.

We’d like to thank you both. We will 100% be booking Disco Shed (and requesting Greg!) in the future.

Have a lovely eve xxx

Jessica and Matt

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